
Mastering Microservices with Java Spring

Overview Mastering Microservices with Java Spring equips developers with the skills needed to design, build, and deploy microservices using Java …

Mastering Microservices with Java Spring

Mastering Microservices with Java Spring

Original price was: $417.25.Current price is: $35.30.



1 Year Access


3 Students


14 hours, 38 minutes

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Mastering Microservices with Java Spring Overview

Mastering Microservices with Java Spring equips developers with the skills needed to design, build, and deploy microservices using Java Spring. This course dives deep into microservices architecture, starting with a monolithic application and gradually transitioning to a fully-fledged microservices ecosystem. You’ll gain hands-on experience with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and other essential tools, enabling you to create scalable, resilient, and maintainable applications. Along the way, you’ll explore crucial aspects of microservices development, from service discovery and registration to implementing circuit breakers and API gateways. By the end of the course, you’ll confidently develop and manage microservices using Java Spring, ready to tackle complex software architecture challenges in real-world projects.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the fundamentals of microservices architecture and its advantages over monolithic applications.
  • Set up the development environment for building microservices with Java Spring.
  • Migrate a monolithic application to a microservices-based architecture using Spring Boot.
  • Implement service discovery and registration using Spring Cloud.
  • Configure and manage remote configurations for Spring Cloud microservices.
  • Refactor existing APIs (Product, Category, User, Address, etc.) to microservices using Spring Boot.
  • Integrate declarative clients with Feign and manage inter-service communication.
  • Implement centralised exception handling and resilience patterns like Circuit Breaker with Hystrix.
  • Work with Spring Data and MongoDB to manage data within microservices.
  • Design and implement API Gateways and understand microservices architecture patterns.

Who Is This Course For

This course is perfect for Java developers eager to advance their skills in building scalable, resilient applications with microservices architecture. Backend developers aiming to transition to microservices, software architects seeking to master Java Spring’s nuances, and technical leads responsible for designing modern software solutions will find this course invaluable. It also benefits professionals working with legacy monolithic systems who want to migrate to a more modular and maintainable architecture.

Eligibility Requirements

Participants should have a solid understanding of Java programming and basic knowledge of Spring Framework. Familiarity with concepts like RESTful APIs and distributed systems will be beneficial. No prior experience in microservices is required, but a foundational understanding of backend development is recommended.

Entry Requirements

  • Age Requirement: Applicants must be aged 16 or above, allowing both young learners and adults to engage in this educational pursuit.
  • Academic Background: There are no specific educational prerequisites, opening the door to individuals from diverse academic histories.
  • Language Proficiency: A good command of the English language is essential for comprehension and engagement with the course materials.
  • Numeracy Skills: Basic numeracy skills are required to effectively understand and work with course-related information. 

Why Choose Us

  • Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials;
  • Tutorial videos/materials from the industry-leading experts;
  • Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform;
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  • The UK & internationally recognised accredited
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  • The benefit of career advancement opportunities;
  • 24/7 student support via email.

Career Path

Upon completing this course, you’ll be well-equipped to pursue advanced roles in software development, particularly in the field of microservices and cloud-native applications. You’ll have the expertise to work on complex enterprise-level projects, architecting and implementing microservices solutions using Java Spring. This knowledge opens doors to various career opportunities, including positions in top tech companies, consultancy firms, and startups focused on delivering scalable software solutions.

Course Curriculum

Section 01: Course Introduction
1.1 Microservice Migration from Monolithic Application 00:06:00
2.1 Tools Introduction 00:01:00
2.2 Java Installation 00:05:00
2.3 My SQL Installation 00:03:00
2.4 Chrome Advanced Rest Client and Git Installation 00:04:00
Section 02: Tools Setup
2.1 Tools Introduction 00:01:00
2.2 Java Installation 00:05:00
2.3 My SQL Installation 00:03:00
2.4 Chrome Advanced Rest Client and Git Installation 00:04:00
Section 03: Monolithic Application
3.1 Sample Monolithic Application 00:01:00
3.2 Clone and Import Monolithic Application 00:04:00
3.3 Introduction to Monolithic Application 00:05:00
3.4 Reason of Testing Monolithic Application being Hard 00:06:00
3.5 Reason of Detecting Bugs in Monolithic Application being Hard 00:04:00
3.6 Why the Monolithic Application not Real? 00:05:00
Section 04: Spring Boot Introduction
4.1 Introduction to Spring Boot 00:01:00
4.2 Todo REST API with Spring Boot 00:04:00
4.3 Review Maven POM of a Spring Boot Application 00:11:00
4.4 Adding a Controller to our Spring Boot Application 00:06:00
4.5 Running Sprint Boot Application as a Jar 00:04:00
4.6 Getting to know Actuator 00:05:00
4.7 Adding more Endpoints to the Actuator 00:08:00
Section 05: Migrate Product API To Spring Boot Microservice
5.1 Introduction 00:01:00
5.2 Create a new Project 00:03:00
5.3 Enhance the Maven POM 00:05:00
5.4 Create the Package Structure 00:02:00
5.5 Migrate the Model classes 00:13:00
5.6 Migrate the DAO Interfaces and Classes 00:04:00
5.7 Migrate the Service Classes 00:03:00
5.8 Migrate Service Save Method 00:02:00
5.9 Migrate Service Get Method 00:03:00
5.10 Migrate Service List Method 00:05:00
5.11 Migrate Service Update Method 00:02:00
5.12 Migrate Service Delete Method 00:01:00
5.13 Migrate the Controller Class 00:01:00
5.14 Migrate the Controller Save Method 00:02:00
5.15 Migrate the Controller Get Method 00:02:00
5.16 Migrate the Controller List Method 00:05:00
5.17 Build and Run 00:12:00
5.18 Add Aspect Class 00:06:00
5.19 Explain and Run Aspect Class 00:08:00
5.20 Add Exception Class for HTTP 400 and 404 00:04:00
5.21 Add AbstractController 00:17:00
5.22 Add Event Publisher Method 00:02:00
5.23 Add CheckResource Method 00:03:00
5.24 Extend AbstractController Class 00:04:00
5.25 Create Event Type 00:03:00
5.26 Create Event Listener 00:05:00
5.27 Configure Actuator 00:01:00
5.28 Configure Actuator for Health Endpoint 00:01:00
5.29 Add Code to Send Events 00:03:00
5.30 Test the Endpoints 00:05:00
5.31 Test Actuator with Metric 00:03:00
Section 06: Spring Cloud Microservices Service Discovery
6.1 Service Discovery Introduction 00:01:00
6.2 Discover Service Discovery in Real Life 00:08:00
6.3 Service Discovery in MicroService 00:08:00
6.4 Benefits of Service Discovery 00:04:00
6.5 Create Eureka Project 00:03:00
6.6 Add Annotations to the Main Program 00:02:00
6.7 Adding Properties to the Program 00:07:00
Section 07: MicroService Service Registration
7.1 Introduction 00:01:00
7.2 Enabling Service Registration 00:18:00
Section 08: Remote Configuration Of Spring Cloud MicroServices
8.1 Introduction 00:01:00
8.2 The Problem of Environmental Properties and solution 00:11:00
8.3 Create Remote Config Repository Project 00:05:00
8.4 Create a Remote Config Microservice 00:10:00
8.5 Test the Remote Config Service with a Browser 00:04:00
Section 09: Adding Remote Config To Product API
9.1 Introduction to Remote Config Client 00:01:00
9.2 Adding Actuator to Remote Config Client 00:04:00
9.3 Adding Product Client to the Product API 00:07:00
Section 10: Refactoring The Category API
10.1 Introduction 00:01:00
10.2 Refactoring the Classes from Product to Category 00:11:00
10.3 Refactoring Classes and properties from Product to Category API 00:10:00
10.4 Test Category API 00:07:00
10.5 Test Actuator and Discovery Dashboard 00:02:00
10.6 Add Swagger2 for API Life and Testable Documentation (Rest Client) 00:06:00
Section 11: Declarative Client Feign
11.1 Introduction 00:01:00
11.2 Add Maven Dependency and Annotation 00:04:00
11.3 Add Java Package and a New Feign Interface 00:04:00
11.4 Add Validation through Feign to the Product Service 00:04:00
11.5 Test Feign with Product Service 00:05:00
Section 12: Central Exception Handling
12.1 Introduction to Central Exception Handling 00:06:00
Section 13: Circuit Breaker Hystrix
13.1 Introduction 00:01:00
13.2 Add Hystrix Dependency, Command 00:04:00
13.3 Test Circuit Breaker 00:05:00
Section 14: Spring Data With MongoDB
14.1 Introduction and Installation 00:06:00
14.2 Install Mongo GUI Client 00:04:00
14.3 Application Walkthrough 00:04:00
14.4 Differences between MySQL based Product API and MongoDB based ProductAPI 00:05:00
14.5 Test Product API for MongoDB 00:03:00
Section 15: Refactoring The User API
15.1 Introduction 00:01:00
15.2 Create Project 00:06:00
15.3 Create User API from Category API 00:08:00
15.4 Refactor User 00:09:00
15.5 Complete User Changer 00:04:00
15.6 Test the User API 00:07:00
Section 16: Refactoring The Address API
16.1 Introduction 00:01:00
16.2 Create Project and Address POJO 00:06:00
16.3 Create Account POJO 00:08:00
16.4 Update Address POJO 00:03:00
16.5 Refactor Event Listener and Dao Repository 00:04:00
16.6 Refactor Service and Controller 00:11:00
16.7 Update AOP Class 00:02:00
16.8 Create AddressDTO for JPA NativeQeury 00:03:00
16.9 Add SQLResultSetMApping Annotation to Address POJO 00:04:00
16.10 Add Native Query 00:05:00
16.11 Add Native Query to DAO Repository Interface 00:02:00
16.12 Change Service and Controller 00:06:00
16.13 Test the Address API 00:06:00
Section 17: Refactor The Pricing API
17.1 Introduction 00:01:00
17.2 Create Pricing API Application 00:08:00
17.3 Complete Pricing Refactoring 00:10:00
17.4 Test Pricing API 00:04:00
Section 18: Refactor The Delivery API
18.1 Introduction 00:01:00
18.2 Create Application 00:10:00
18.3 Complete Delivery API Refactoring 00:08:00
18.4 Test Delivery 00:05:00
Section 19: Account API
19.1 Introduction 00:01:00
19.2 Create Account API Application 00:12:00
19.3 Add Account 00:04:00
19.4 Account Get API Continued 00:07:00
19.5 Test Account API 00:07:00
Section 20: Create Cart API
20.1 Introduction 00:01:00
20.2 Create Project Cart API 00:06:00
20.3 Add Cart POJO 00:08:00
20.4 Complete Cart Refactoring 00:07:00
20.5 Introduce Cart Item API Changes 00:03:00
Section 21: Store Pickup API
21.1 Introduction 00:01:00
21.2 Create Project: Store Pickup API Application 00:10:00
21.3 Refactor POJO, DAO, Events and Services 00:10:00
21.4 Complete SPU Refactoring 00:05:00
21.5 Test SPU API 00:03:00
Section 22: Refactoring Shipping API And Using Spring Cloud Feign
22.1 Introduction 00:01:00
22.2 Create the Shipping API 00:09:00
22.3 Add Shipping Line Item 00:07:00
22.4 Add Order POJO 00:07:00
22.5 Refactor DAO, Services, Events and Controller 00:06:00
22.6 JPA Issues and Best Practices 00:07:00
22.7 Refactor ShippingLineItem DAO and Services 00:07:00
22.8 Refactor Event, Listener and Controller for ShippingLineItem 00:06:00
22.9 Complete Controller Refactoring for Line Items 00:05:00
22.10 Test Shipping API 00:07:00
22.11 Test Line Item API 00:07:00
Section 23: Order API
23.1 Introduction 00:01:00
23.2 Creating Order API 00:08:00
Section 24: Promo API
24.1 Introduction 00:01:00
24.2 Refactor Promo API 00:11:00
24.3 Test Promo API 00:03:00
Section 25: Learning API Gateway
25.1 API Gateway 00:08:00
25.2 Create API Gateway Project Application 00:03:00
25.3 API Gateway Property Configuration 00:11:00
25.4 Test API Gateway 00:08:00
25.5 Integrate API Gateway with Eureka Service Discovery 00:06:00
25.6 Test API Gateway Integration with Eureka 00:04:00
Section 26: Microservice Architecture Pattern Assignment
26.1 Introduction 00:11:00
26.2 12 Factor Apps 00:11:00
26.3 Containers are not Optional 00:16:00
26.4 Microservice Ecosystem Service Discovery 00:11:00
26.5 Microservice Ecosystem Remote Configuration Service 00:05:00
26.6 Microservice Ecosystem Circuit Breaker 00:06:00
26.7 Design Criteria for API Boundaries 00:06:00
26.8 Cross Cutting Requirements routing 00:06:00
26.9 Cross Cutting Requirements security and Logging 00:07:00
26.10 Cross Cutting Requirements Troubleshooting 00:09:00
26.11 Dedicated or Shared Databases 00:14:00

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